We are pleased to announce the 4th year of additional live-streaming college auditions for our Moonifieds students:

Zoomified Auditions


Sunday-Tuesday, Nov 12-14, 2023
Live-streaming auditions, via our custom-built ZOOM platform


We have personally chosen 11 outstanding programs, with both Acting and Musical Theatre departments represented.
Each college will conduct private, individual, official college auditions. 
Live Prescreens and Final Auditions - no trip to campus necessary. 


Registration is $199 and only available to those who are registered for Moonifieds. 


Here are the schools we have chosen to include in this year's Zoomified Auditions


CSU Fullerton

Florida Atlantic University




Norwalk Conservatory of the Arts

North Carolina School of the Arts


University of Alabama

University of Southern California (USC)

University of Utah
